Although the first system implemented by the grace Harpertown Intel Labs, do not set this Polywell Poly X5800A3 near the top of the performance of our computer ranking because of its technological base only six. What processor is so that the machine Polywell compete against the best without thanks to a class (and expensive) platforms for the cost of a thousand dollars a respectable 4500 (as of 21 March 2010).
To see how the main central processing units from Intel - the 3.33 GHz, six-core Intel Core i7 Extreme Edition - 980X - The processor was developed X5800A3, and to consider the cost: the processor alone is $ 1,000 less as the fourth award of the system. Polywell includes 12GB of DDR3 1333 and the startup disk of raids clean 600 GB (two 300 GB SAS Hitachi) set, and an additional 2 TB drive for storage.
To see how the main central processing units from Intel - the 3.33 GHz, six-core Intel Core i7 Extreme Edition - 980X - The processor was developed X5800A3, and to consider the cost: the processor alone is $ 1,000 less as the fourth award of the system. Polywell includes 12GB of DDR3 1333 and the startup disk of raids clean 600 GB (two 300 GB SAS Hitachi) set, and an additional 2 TB drive for storage.