Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lenovo Unveils New Multitouch LCD, Desktops

Lenovo has introduced three new products at CES capacitive cool two new all-in-one 24-inch multi-touch screen. Provides impressive low-end C310 IdeaCentre two fingers multitouch PineTrail nettops equipped than five hundred dollars. Verify our hands on video!
Chinese giant OEM really stepped up his game, especially with regard to the development of new products. They finally realized that it must be fixed, it seems fairly strict conservative position in the commercial area, at least here in America. It's like waking up Dell was a few years ago, before you concerningly downward trend in progress.
Additions of a new pattern is IdeaCentre A300, Lenovo (a little cheating) is thinner in every one in this industry because it does not depend on the real part of the desktop. However, he broke the pieces, with 1080p 21.5-inch LED display sitting on a lighted background, away from the depletion of the Center.

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