Saturday, December 26, 2009

Windows or Mac?

You may have friends or relatives or neighbors trying to attract you, "Windows vs. Mac" holy wars. In my opinion, and select the operating system really does not matter. From the perspective of a beginner, and each point that are above the windows beautiful and easy to use. The two will have the same location, to enable the sending and receiving e-mail. Supply both for word processing, and create documents that are interchangeable. Windows-based computers make up 90% of the market, and it is cheaper. That is the law of supply and demand in the process. In some areas, it can be difficult to find technical support for computers or repair the Apple Macintosh. So if you're budget-minded, and you have no friends willing to help you with the Mac issue, I suggest you go with Windows-based PC. But if all your friends and Mac, and you do not mind spending a little more, then buy a Mac. As I said, each of them takes you to the same location, and user interfaces are very similar.

And can be of good standard Windows-based computer with a monitor can be purchased for under $ 400, and sometimes you get a printer in this deal. A Mac Mini goes for about $ 600, but this price does not include a monitor and mouse or keyboard, and that figure is about $ 750 total. So what should you look for the novice in terms of speed, monitor, hard drive memory and glasses? It should not be confused with all this ...

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